The fact that most traders lose their money in the FOREX more than Equities, might be scary for new traders. But we are here to help clarify the reasons and provide a way to avoid the stereotype.
Misunderstanding The Purpose Of Each Market
The main difference between these markets is that the equity market is an investment market. It was built on the sole purpose of increasing its participants’ wealth. Meanwhile, the FOREX market is a utility market running to provide currency exchange services for international operations and businesses.
Misuse Of Trading And Analysis Techniques
The spot FOREX market is far younger than the equity market, since it was started during the early ’80s. However, traders tend to use equities trading techniques to analyze and trade the FOREX market. Not recognizing the different nature of each market is a big mistake that causes bias or diversion in analysis results.
How To Trade In FOREX?
It is important to highlight that equity trading relies on the financial side of the company, trading volume, and the free flow, while currency trading depends on the economic news and business needs more than the volume traded. That is the core difference in how to analyze each market.
Each trader has their trading style so there will be no right or wrong here, it is based on their experience and constant education. The main point on how to improve the quality of the trades is simply by improving the way the trader analyzes the market before trading.
Technical analysis
Part of the foreign exchange participants are governments, and some huge transactions are not frequent, which makes it harder to rely on traditional technical analysis techniques for trading. By following the economic news and the time of governments transactions, the trader can get a clearer view of the charts.
Fundamental analysis
What makes the FOREX market so unique is the transparency and the availability of information. There are plenty of resources to gather the needed information such as U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, Worlds’ bank, or even brokers newsletter. Traders can utilize this information to time trades more efficiently and minimize the risk of unexpected movements in the market.
To summarize, trading using traditional tools is not as efficient in the FOREX market. When combining proper technical analysis techniques with the right information, traders can make trading more solid.
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尊敬的客户, 为了提升您的交易体验,我们将对 MT4 Live 1 服务器(STARTRADERINTL-Live)和 Live 2 服务器(STARTRADERINTL-Live2) 上的所有美分账户进行历史数据压缩。此操作计划于 2025 年 3 月 15…
尊敬的客户, 我们很高兴地通知您,STARTRADER将进行服务器升级,以提供更优质的交易体验。 升级时间: 日期:2025年3月22日(星期六)时间:00:00 - 23:59(GMT+3) 重要信息: 在服务器升级期间,MT4 和 MT5 账户的访问将暂时不可用,请注意以下影响: 1. 交易暂停:升级期间将无法执行任何订单。 2. 功能暂时关闭:入金、出金、数据查询及账户开设功能将暂时不可用。…
尊敬的客户: 您好,我司期货产品三月份的展期将至,因新旧期货合约之间存在价格差异,为规避潜在的交易风险,建议客户妥善控制仓位。 期货合约的展期时间如下: 产品代号 产品名称 展期日 JPN225ft Japan 225 Index Future日经指数(期货) 2025-03-12 VIX Volatility恐慌指数期货 2025-03-13…
尊敬的客户: 您好,由于美国夏令时间即将到来,STARTRADER部分产品交易时间由2025年3月9日起将有所调整。 请参考下表了解涉及调整的产品情况: 产品代号 交易时间 Cocoa美国可可豆现货 星期一~星期五: 12:45-20:30 Coffee阿拉比卡咖啡豆现货 星期一~星期五: 12:15-20:30 Sugar11号精糖现货 星期一~星期五: 11:30-20:00 Gasoil轻质低硫原油现货…
尊敬的客户: 为提升您的使用体验,STARTRADER星迈客户中心将于平台时间(GMT+2)2025年3月8日03:00开始进行客户中心升级并于当日内完成,期间您将无法访问网页端及APP端的客户中心,升级完成后您将享受更佳体验。感谢您的理解与支持,预祝您交易愉快!